I woke up this morning feeling crappy and it was apparent that I had caught a cold on the flight down. I had a scratchy throat in Animal Kingdom but I had assumed it was from screaming on the coasters. I was wrong. To be honest, if you need to be sick with a cold then being in Florida with 25°C 70% humidity is the way to do it. We picked up some Halls and cold meds and headed back to the Magic Kingdom to try and finish off what we had missed earlier in the week.
I’ll be honest, I’m pretty vague on the details for this day and I blame the cold. A few things stand out though.
- We did the Dumbo ride. The line was short and if Darth Vader can do it so can I. To me this was the best ride of the trip just because it was so silly.
- Splash Mountain is deceiving. You know it’s going to toss you off a cliff but the entire time you are lulled into a false sense of security. Happy music, fuzzy animatronic animals, little drops, and then SCREW YOU and they toss you off a cliff. We were seated near the back so we didn’t get soaked.
- We spent the day food grazing. There are enough choices in the Magic Kingdom that we spent the morning snacking on one bad thing after another. And it was good, so good.
- Near Gaston’s Tavern Iris was shocked to see actual construction workers working on a new attraction during the day. Apparently this isn’t supposed to happen, but I guess with it being December and a “quiet” time they went ahead and worked during open hours.
At every ride that catered to small kids there was an area set aside for stroller parking with a cast member working that spot as a valet. It was crazy to see a hundred strollers all parked in nice rows with one person lining them up.
- The only long line of the day was for the Jingle Cruise (normally Jungle Cruise, but it was xmas). It was cute and had some of the worst pun’s I’ve heard in a long, long time. The tour guide was able to just deadpan these jokes rapid fire.
We had a nice sit down dinner at Tony’s near the main entrance, but unfortunately we were seated near the back of the restaurant and could not see the light up parade clearly. We finished eating just in time to catch the lighting of Cinderella’s Castle and the following firework display. This is something you simply need to be there and see, simply amazing.
At the end of the show we were swept along towards the exit by the crowd, but as we got close and saw the sheer mass of people crammed in there we darted off to the side to let it thin out. We were beside the Town Square Theatre that only had a 5 minute wait so without knowing what it was we popped in the line. I was expecting another show but as we moved along the cast members were only letting each party in as a group. We were ushered in and found out that we had been in a line to meet Mickey Mouse. Unexpected to say the least, and both of us had our Mickey ears on to make it even better. I look at the picture now and think that there I was, 40 years old, delighted to have my picture taken with a guy in a costume.
Disney changes you.