We finished the renovations a few weeks ago, for the most part. There are no towel or toilet paper holders, the trim isn’t done in the master bathroom, and the powder room has no mirror, but it’s very livable. We’ve been working on the back yard and garden since shortly after we moved in, making …
Tag Archives: renovations
The Fiddling Little Bits
We’ve been working on the house since we were given the keys on February 20th. Demolition and preparations for the painters and carpet layers, and then installing the hardwood ourselves, we are pretty much ready to move in for April 5th. I would say we are about 99% done. We still need to finish sealing …
The Last Place I Looked
I aggravated an old wrist injury on the weekend pulling up the carpet and yanking out staples. At first it wasn’t that bad but as the week has gone on it has gotten steadily worse. As we were eating tonight and finding that just holding the soup bowl was hurting I decided I really needed …
We picked up the keys to the house on Thursday, had a pizza party on Friday, and ripped out all the flooring and appliances over the weekend. With Iris’ parents help we were able to get an amazing amount of work done, thanks guys! The painters were still working as we finished off today and …
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